To avoid extra expense and mess later on, try to decide on fittings before the plastering's finished 为避免将来出现额外的开支和不必要的麻烦,尽量在抹灰完工之前把固定设施确定下来。
The study also polled women to find out if there were any downsides of shopping with friends-aside from the extra expense. 这项研究同样让女性来找出与闺蜜逛街的其他缺点&除了花钱多。
They bought a small apartment with a loan covered by a government housing fund, meaning there is no extra expense. 他们买了一个小公寓,用政府住房公积金支付贷款,这意味着没有任何额外的花销。
Afraid your practice entail extra expense if continue and affect our margin. 你们的做法恐怕会引起额外损失,这样下去会影响我们的利润。
She took on the extra work after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and getting divorced last year, both of which involved considerable expense. 2008年她被诊断为患上乳腺癌,去年又离了婚,这两件事都让她支付了大笔开销,之后她开始干起这些兼职工作。
If Exhibitors do not consign their shipment strictly in accordance with the above Consignment Instruction, they must bear all the responsibilities and extra expense arising therefrom. 展商必须严格遵守以上的发运指示。因为展商未遵守发运指示而产生的所有问题和相关的额外费用,由展商承担。
Can your family afford the extra expense that a larger apartment entails? 你的家庭负担得起较大公寓所需的额外费用吗?
The fee for the extra year of protection was a considerable expense. 加保的额外年度的费用是一宗相当大的消费。
The latter will, of course, involve extra expense. 后者当然要付额外开支。
Risk premium, we suggest, should be the domain of premium "points" charged at origination by lenders, not a special burden of perennial extra expense on those borrowers least able to meet their mortgage obligations. 就风险溢价而言,我们的建议是:“溢价点”应由贷款人在放贷时收取;风险溢价不应成为那些偿付能力最低的借款人的一项特殊负担,让其长年累月的为此付出额外开销。
They fully agree any extra expense result from above measures their account. 他们完全同意按上述建议执行若有额外费用,他们愿意承担。
We could insure for you if you are desirous of covering against All Risks, but the premium is a little bit higher and the extra expense will be borne by you. 如你方希望将货物投保综合险,我们可以代为投保,但保费稍高,保费差额由你方负担。
Joanna: I understand perfectly, david. a little extra trouble and expense now is what will guarantee a top-quality finished product. 乔安娜:大卫,我完全理解。现在多花些功夫与费用,就能确保成品的高品质。
He can comfortably afford the extra expense. 他支付这些额外的费用毫无问题。
I believe the extra expense is worth it. 我相信花这钱是值的!
Captain borgen, this is an extra expense, and I'm very poor. 博根队长,这可是一笔额外的开支,而且我手头很紧。
While large multinationals say the extra expense will probably be limited, smaller companies worry it will only add to the growing cost of doing business in China. 尽管一些大型跨国公司表示,额外需要缴纳的费用也许金额有限,但一些较小的企业担心,在中国做生意成本已经节节攀升之际,新规会进一步提高成本。
Extra expense brings out high-priced cost of entering market, and causes the inefficient. 额外付费造成了高昂的市场进入成本,导致市场效率低下。
This is the choice that the standard Java made when it is extended to the real-time field: that is using the extra expense of the processor to exchange the robust software and quicker speed of development. 这是标准Java被扩展到实时领域时所作出的选择:用处理器时间上的额外开销,换来更强壮的软件和更快的开发速度。
Together with ISS or trauma score injury severity score methods, the converting rule can be used to evaluate the severity of trauma patients more easily and rapidly conditioned that no extra expense increases. 在不增加额外人力物力支出的情况下,结合ISS或TRISS法,这种转换规则可被用来对创伤患者进行快速的创伤严重度评分。
In particular, the proposed method needs no extra hardware and the expense of software is reasonable. 该方法简捷实用,可集成于发电厂现有的发电机状态监测与故障诊断系统,无需任何额外的硬件投资,软件开销很小。
In the first approach, when the correcting matrix is full rank, an iterative algorithm is presented to improve the updating accuracy step by step, but extra experiment expense should be paid with this method. 对于满秩情况,应用所提出的迭代算法,可以有效地逐次提高修正精度,但是缺点在于试验成本高。
This will bring in unbearable delay and extra network expense, especially for video service with high data-rate requirement. 尤其是对于数据量要求很大的视频服务来说,这样的延迟和跨网费用都将是难以承受的。
Using the difference of charging standard, some departments often add extra expense to the company. 个别部门利用收费项目的收费标准的浮动值给企业增多了额外的费用。